Bambi   2021
                            3rd Mini Album

  1. Love Scene
  2. Bambi
  3. All I Got
  4. 놀이공원 (Amusement Park)
  5. Privacy
  6. Cry For Love

Baekhyun  2021
 1st Japanese Mini Album

  1. Stars
  2. Whippin'
  3. Addicted
  4. Drown
  5. Disappeared
  6. Get You Alone [Title]

Amusement Park   2020
4th Single

  1. Amusement Park

Delight  2020
Second Mini Album

  1. Candy
  2. R U Ridin'?
  3. Bungee
  4. Underwater
  5. Poppin'
  6. Ghost
  7. Love Again 

City Lights  2019
Solo Debut Album

1. Ice Queen

2. Diamond

3. Psycho

4. Betcha

5. Stay Up (ft. Beenzino)

6. Un Village

In no way are any of the pictures, videos or social media sites my own. All copyright to the original owners!
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